Sunday Services

We meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am in our building on Victoria Avenue, not far from the centre of Harrogate.
Sunday mornings are a time of gathering together to worship God and to encourage one another so we are equipped to go out and serve God in the world. We hope our services connect with people at all stages in the journey of faith, from those exploring faith to those who have been a Christian for a long time. Teaching from the bible has a central place in our service; often we work our way through a book of the bible or explore a theme or aspect of Jesus’ teaching. Our worship is led by our music group and we seek to encompass something of the best from the old and the new. We also celebrate communion monthly, usually on the first Sunday of each month.
There’s provision for our children and young people – they stay in for the first part of worship and then go out to age appropriate groups, including our creche. Bi-monthly, we hold our ‘all age service’ when the children and young people stay in for the whole service.
After all of our services, we serve fresh coffee and a selection of teas in our hall – please stay and join us!
We often get visitors joining us on a Sunday from those looking for a church to those who are on holiday, so we hope you’ll be made to feel very welcome if you come along.
If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.