About Us

Thanks for stopping to visit our website. We are a community, made up of people of different ages, who are on a journey together discovering what it means to love God and Love Others; to become more like Jesus and to encourage and support each other along the way.
We want to see God’s Kingdom come in the places where he’s put us and to learn and grow together in our faith.
We meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am at our building in Victoria Avenue, not far from the centre of Harrogate. Our worship consists of a blend of the old and new and Scripture has centre place in our time together. The aim of our services is to connect with people at all different stages in their journey of faith, enabling all to encounter God in a fresh and relevant way.
We celebrate communion monthly, usually on the first Sunday of each month. There’s also provision for our children and young people – they stay in for the first part of worship and then go out to age appropriate groups.
On the following pages, you can find out more about what happens at Harrogate Baptist Church. But the best way to find out about us is to visit – it would be great to welcome you in person so that you can find out more about the life and spirit of the church!